A lawyer looks at multilevel marketing
& pyramid schemes
This website is for people who are interested in pyramid schemes and multilevel marketing (MLM). There are explanations of the terms “direct selling”, “MLM” and “pyramid scheme.” There is a resource section which contains lists of books about MLM, pyramid schemes and related subjects, academic articles from a variety of fields, court decisions, laws and regulations, internet websites and social media. I have included my personal opinions on many of these sources and references. My listing of a particular source does not mean I agree with everything in it. I welcome corrections, constructive criticism and suggestions for additional sources, as well as comments and suggestions of topics for my blog. While I have gratefully accepted advice and suggestions from a number of people, all errors on this website are entirely my own.
I am an attorney and a member of the Massachusetts Bar since 1982. I am semi-retired and not accepting new clients. I have substantial experience in cases involving MLM and pyramid schemes; more information about my background is here. Please read my disclaimer.